Neil Wyatt 2Neil Wyatt BSc (Joint Hons) FRSA MCIEEM CEnv

Principal, NW Environmental Limited

With thirty years experience working in nature conservation and land management and recognised for his contribution to urban nature conservation, Neil Wyatt is a leading pioneer in the application of the landscape scale conservation approach to urban areas. A major achievement was leading a partnership of fifty organisations to the successful establishment of England’s only totally urban Nature Improvement Area.

Neil Wyatt is a Chartered Environmentalist through the Society for the Environment and a full, founder member of the Chartered Institute for Ecology and Environmental Management. He is also a fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts, manufacture and Commerce.

In 1984, Neil graduated from the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, with joint honours in Plant Ecology and Animal Ecology. Aside from a brief period prototyping computer hardware, he has worked continually in the environmental sector, initially with the RSPB, but subsequently with three Wildlife Trusts – Glamorgan Wildlife Trust, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust and finally at the Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country where he was Chief Executive for over 17 years. He was also a director of environmental and landscape design consultancy, Land Care Associates for fifteen years.

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Neil is passionate about canals, and as a former Council member of the Canal and River Trust and member of the West Midlands Waterways Partnership is able to combine his environmental and waterway interests. He has also been a trustee of the Urban Wildlife Partnership.